How do I add events?

The goal of the events page is to promote local events that align with the goals of Trash Nothing. Some examples include repair cafés, free markets and clothing swaps. If you're part of an organization that runs events that might fall under one of the 8 R's below, contact us and send us some information about your organization and your events (with a link to your organization or event listings if possible) and we'll see if they are a good fit for the Trash Nothing community.

The 8 R's below provide a rough guide for the types of events we're excited about:

  1. Rethinking choices
  2. Refusing single use / waste
  3. Reducing consumption
  4. Reusing everything
  5. Refurbishing old items
  6. Repairing instead of replacing
  7. Repurposing
  8. Recycling