How do I bookmark a post?
When you view a post on the site or in the apps, there is a button labelled "Bookmark" that shows up below every post that you can click to bookmark the post.
Once you bookmark a post, the post will be visible on the bookmarks page.
How do I change my location?
There are different answers depending on which location you are referring to.
The location of posts you see on the main posts page is based on the groups you are a member of and your post settings. You can add and remove groups on the Groups page at any time. And you can change your post settings using the post options on the Settings page.
If you're trying to change the location that shows up on your posts (either the location text or the map), you can edit your posts to change the location of the post. And when you submit new posts, make sure to check that the Location field on the New Post page has the correct location.
How do I change my password?
If you're logged in, you can change your password on the Settings page.
If you are unable to login, see how to reset your password
How do I change my profile picture?
You can change your profile picture on the Settings page.
How do I change the the layout of the main posts page?
The layout options for the main posts page are on the main posts page at:
If you're on a mobile device:
- Click the Options button near the top of the page
- In the "Layout" section, click the layout you want to use
- Click the "Save" button at the bottom
If you're on a larger screen device, the layout option are 4 icons near the top right of the main posts page and you can click any one of the icons to change the layout.
How do I change which posts I see?
You can change which posts you see by updating your post options on the Settings page. To get the most control, you should enable the option labelled "Only show posts that are near me" and then set the distance to match the local area you want.
How do I create a search alert?
- Go to the main posts page
- Use the search option at the top of the page to search for the item that you are looking for (1-3 keywords work best).
- Click the "Save Alert" button. On smaller screens, the button is at the bottom of the page. On larger screens, the button is near the top right of the page above the post options on larger screens.
- Select the types of posts you want to be alerted about (Offers and/or Requests) and click the "Save" button.
Once you've created a search alert, you can control whether you get notified by email and/or push notification by using the options in the Posts Notifications section of the Settings page.
How do I delete a bookmark?
To delete a bookmark, view the bookmarked post on trash nothing and click the button labelled "Bookmarked" to remove the bookmark.
How do I enable push notifications?
You can enable push notifications in the Notifications section of the Settings page.
The Android app and the iOS app both support push notifications. If you aren't using the Android or iOS app, you will need to use a browser that supports push notifications.
How do I get to the Settings page?
The following link will take you to the Settings page.
When you are logged in, a link to the Settings page is in the Account menu that is at the top right of most pages on the site and in the app. Once you open the Account menu, click the link labelled "Settings" to open the Settings page.
How do I hide posts from someone?
To hide posts from someone, view any post from that person and then scroll down until you see their profile photo. Then click the "Hide Posts" button that shows up below their profile photo.
How do I join?
Go to the sign up page and follow the instructions there.
If you'd like to sign up without a Facebook, Google, Microsoft or Yahoo account, you can click the link below the large white buttons that is labelled "create a new account".
How do I log in?
You can use the login page to log in.
How do I log out?
To log out, go to the main posts page and open the account dropdown menu at the top right of the page (by clicking the menu icon with 3 horizontal bars). Then click the link labelled "Log out".
How do I remove my account?
You can remove your trash notihng account by clicking the "Remove Account" option at the bottom of the Settings page.
How do I search for items?
When you are logged into the main site, there is a search box at the top of most pages that you can use to search for items. The search works best when you use 1 to 3 keywords.
If you don't find what you're looking for, consider posting an Offer or a Request or creating a search alert.
How do I turn off push notifications?
You can turn off push notifications in the Notifications section of the Settings page.
How do I unhide posts from someone?
View your hidden members on the Settings page. Then click the "Unhide" button next to the member you want to unhide.
How do I use my existing membership account with Trash Nothing?
Existing accounts from other sites can't be reused with Trash Nothing because all the sites are run by separate organizations and there is no method of transferring account data from one site to another. But it only takes a minute to create a new Trash Nothing account and you can remove your account at any time.
How do I view my bookmarks?
The account menu at the top right of most pages has a link to the bookmarks page.
How do I view my profile?
You can view and edit your public profile at any time on the Settings page by clicking the link labelled "View Public Profile" that is shown in the Profile section.
How is the distance to other members and posts calculated?
When viewing messages, the distance is from your account location* to the approximate location of the other member. The distance is only an estimate.
When viewing posts, the distance is from your account location* to the location that the post was mapped to. Most posts are not mapped to the exact location where the person or item is so the distance is only an estimate. To view the location a post was mapped to, look at the map that is shown further down on the post view page.
All distances are "as the bird flies" (straight lines between the points) so actual travel distance will usually be greater.
*To view or change your account location, use the Post Options on the Settings page.
I accidentally created multiple accounts - how do I fix this?
You should choose which account you want to keep and which one you want to remove. Once you've decided which account to remove, log into that account and use the remove account option at the bottom of the Settings page. Just make sure you are logged into the correct account before removing it by viewing which email address shows up on the Settings page.
If you're having trouble logging into the account you want to remove, first make sure you are logged out and then visit the login page to log in. You can also reset the account password if you don't remember the password for the account.
Once you've removed the extra account, you may want to change your email address on your remaining account if you prefer to use the email address that was on the removed account.
I forgot my password and can't login, how do I reset it?
If you are sure you have an account on Trash Nothing, you can reset the password on the account.
If you have an account on one of the other freecycling sites (there are multiple), you'll need to create a Trash Nothing account before you can use Trash Nothing with your local groups.
Note: If you signed up using a Google, Yahoo, Microsoft or Facebook account, you can login without a password by simply clicking one of the large white buttons near the top of the login page.
I haven't received the verification email after signing up.
The verification email can take a minute or two to be delivered. If you can't find it in your email account or spam folder after a couple of minutes, try to log in and you will be given the option to resend the email.
If you have a Facebook, Yahoo, Google or Microsoft account, you can verify your email account by simply clicking the corresponding large white button at the top of the sign up page or the log in page.
What is my feedback score?
If you have a feedback score, it will be displayed on your posts and on your public profile. You can view your public profile at any time on the Settings page by clicking the link labelled "View Public Profile" that is shown in the Profile section.
Don't worry if you don't see a feedback score on your public profile. The feedback system was only launched in 2020 so there are many members (both long time and new members) who won't don't yet have feedback scores.
What is my username and how do I change it?
Your username is the unique identifier that shows up on all your posts. It is automatically created for you based on the username of the email address that you sign up with. If you need to change your username (for privacy reasons or if it isn't family friendly), you can use the username change request form to view and change your username.
Which browsers support push notifications?
On Windows, Linux and Android devices, most browsers support push notifications including Firefox, Chrome and Edge.
On iPhones and iPads, no web browsers support push notifications yet*. You should use the iOS app to get push notifications.
On Apple laptops and desktops, most browsers except Safari support push notifications** (eg. Firefox and Chrome).
*iOS 16 may support push notification for iOS web browsers when it's released in 2023.
**Safari 16.1+ on macOS Ventura or newer should support push notifications.